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Architectural Design 2

Ar. Nurul Alia Ahamad
Ms. Indrani Vanniasingam

This module introduces the principles and methods of analysis, abstraction, and synthesis in design thinking that are common to many design fields, including building and architecture. The key emphasis of the studio is “User and Context”, which investigates the relationship between user and natural environment.

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Theories of Asian Architecture

Ar. Shahrianne Mohd Shah

The subject explores the history of South, Southeast and East Asian architecture as a whole within a systematic treatment of architectural design and construction, building science and technology.

Building Construction and Materials

Mr. Edwin Chan Yean Liong

This module intends to inform the students on the basic building construction and materials used in the construction of small to medium scale buildings. It focuses on developing an understanding of the principle of the building elements which include the substructure and superstructure and common construction materials such as concrete, masonry, timber, metal, and glass.

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