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Architecture and Environment

Dr. Sujatavani A/P Gunasagaran

The module introduces the components of environmental conditions and issues. It focuses on human intervention affecting the environment both positively and negatively and the relationship of buildings with the natural system. Students will be introduced to basic environmental awareness and basic elements of climate and their influences on architecture.

Space Living Pod colorless 3.JPG



Students are required to choose/research a topic in relation to

“What is Sustainable Architecture?”.

The topic can be historical, present, prospective, data-centric, analytical, fictional, critical, or conceptual.


This assignment was my favourite assignment of the semester due to the creative freedom it gives. It gave me a chance to explore unique topics and brainstorm unorthodox ideas in search of sustainable architecture that will help save the environment. Therefore, me and my group researched on self-sustainable space exploration and colonization as a last resort to leave the environment alone. Through it, we were able to pick up interesting facts and knowledge outside our field that may benefit our future career of designing sustainable buildings.

Next Up: Assignment 2

©2021 by Lim Shyi Yuen, Alfred, Taylor's University.

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